
GeneCount® qKit Preserve

Simplify in-field preservation and be confident your sample’s integrity is maintained between sample collection and testing. Our sample preservation kit is efficient, cost-effective, and ideal for ensuring true representative sampling.

To learn more about our preservation kit, visit GeneCount® qPCR testing solutions – LuminUltra.

Our team responds to quote requests within 1 business day.


The GeneCount® qKit Preserve simplifies traditional preservation methods, allowing you to bring preservation into the field. Test with confidence knowing your sample is representative of conditions on the ground and will therefore produce the most accurate results.

Our kit includes everything you need to collect and preserve your liquid, solid or swab sample, with a proprietary preservation technique that ensures sample integrity is maintained until testing is conducted.

Additional information


Sample preservation


GeneCount® qKit Preserve

  • Includes preservation reagents (Preservation Buffer A and nuclease free water)
  • Includes all necessary consumables required to pack your sample (filter, syringe, forceps, spoon, swab, gloves, and a pad for packaging the sample)


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